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Kalakar 项目是一个将不同类别的艺术推广到艺术家的 NFT 平台的组织。我们的目标很简单:让社区参与各种艺术 NFT。我们在不同的网络中托管了许多集合,例如:Polygon、WazirX(Binance 智能链)、Solana 等。
我们与选定的艺术家合作,并将他们的创作转化为 NFT(Mint、Drops、Host、Sell)。
我们的 NFT 项目属于不同的类别,因此不同品味和需求的人可以从我们各种类型的 NFT 集合中受益。


HAPPY HUSKIES 1.0 是 NFT 可收藏项目吗?NFTs are best known for being collectibles, and you can opt to do that with your happy Huskies 1.0 NFTs. Or, you can use them in the Happy Husky metaverse to compete with other players through fun games, competitions and activities. This is how you earn more NFTs and build up the world around your character. Start out with a basic NFT and conquer upgrades and cool collectibles that allow you to gain power and become the talk of the metaverse and, of course, off-blockchain too, as the value of everything you claim grows! The choice is totally yours! Also, we have holder only section for only owners of any Happy Husky. The owners will get chance to participate in events as privilege member. They also will get specials offers in different segments and category, from e-commerce to events to Metaverse games. Exclusive contents and rewards are also there.
HAPPY HUSKIES 1.0 NFTS 是独一无二的吗?Your Happy Huskies 1.0 NFT is unique to you, and there will be a limited supply of NFTs available. All the Happy Huskies are unique to 1/1. Few are also rare and super rare as per their Traits and Combination of Traits.
快乐哈士奇 1.0 是如何创建的?AI randomly generated Happy Huskies 1.0 from 146 traits, including face, Fur color, Eyewear, Suites, Ties, Shirts, and many more. All traits were hand-drawn by the visionary artist Crazy Husky #3316
如何获得快乐的哈士奇 1.0?You can buy a Happy Husky 1.0 on OpenSea.
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